Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Psalm 30: The Abyss

In my Tuesday classes, we have a devotional before each class, but they aren't assigned. Whoever has a verse or a thought to offer just does so. Last week, before Human Growth and Development, I offered to do the devotional. I had been thinking about it for a week, and so I read Psalm 30 and told the story about why Psalm 30:5 is my favorite verse.

When I was a kid, I remember getting into a fight with my dad (as any kid is going to do at some point in their childhood). I was sent to my room and when I was told that dinner was ready, I stubbornly replied that I wasn't hungry and I refused to come out of my room. In my childish tempertantrum, I remember reaching for my Bible. I just opened it up to a random page and jabbed my finger at a random verse. What I came up with was Psalm 30:5.

"For His anger is but for a moment; His favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning."

I don't think I went back to read the whole chapter, but I didn't need to. In my young mind, that verse said everything that I needed to hear and I realized the truth in it - that in the morning, the night before would be just a memory and I would feel much better.

All these years later, I still keep that verse near at heart, and when comforting friends who are struggling with hard times, I have often suggested that they "sleep on it". In sleep, our minds and our hearts have the ability to both recharge and unconsciously put things in perspective.

This was the small little devotional that I told to my class. Once I was done, we began to talk about our plans for the chapel service, which our class would be hosting next week (i.e. tonight). That's when I looked down at the sheet that Dr. Hammond had handed out with the week's lectionary Bible verses. The first on the list? Psalm 30.

At first, I was appalled and embarrased. "That was not intentional" I insisted, but Dr. Hammond just laughed. She knew it wasn't, and she insisted that it was just one of those small little miracles. In the following discussion about chapel service plans, I agreed to be responsible for the homily. That's tonight. I have been going over it in my head all week and I finally sat down to write it out. Pray for me? I've never done a sermon or homily before.

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